DAY ONE: FRIDAY, APRIL 4th | 9:00am-3:00pm
Theme: The Fierce Urgency of Now: How did we get here?
8:15am - Registration
9:00am-9:15am - Welcoming & Framing
9:15am-9:30am - Art/Music
9:30am-10:30am - Plenary 1 | Speaker: Otis Moss III
Topic: Prophetic Grief and The Power of the Southern Freedom Movement10:30am-10:45am - Break
10:45am-11:45am - Plenary 2 | Speaker: Robert P. Jones
Topic: The Tenacity of White Supremacy: Are These Death Throes?11:45am-12:00pm - Break
12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunch
1:15pm-2:00pm - Plenary 3 | Speaker: Raquel Willis
Topic: Nevertheless We Resist, We Heal, We Move for Justice with Joy2:00pm-2:10pm - Movement & settle
2:10pm-2:40pm - Structured Breakout Groups
2:40pm-2:50pm - Movement & settle
2:50pm-3:00pm - Closing Remarks & Next Steps for Tomorrow
Evening Activities (Optional, not curated by event team):
MoMA First Friday Event (registration required)
Broadway performances, comedy club options, or other group outings
DAY THREE: SUNDAY, APRIL 6th | 10:00am-4:00pm
Theme: Where Do We Go From Here?
8:15am - Registration
8:30am-9:15am - Community Options:
Coffee & Community Organizing Q&A OR Intergenerational Workshop on Teaching Just Love9:15am-9:25am - Movement & settle
9:25am-9:35am - Welcome & Introduction to Panel
9:35am-10:35am - Plenary 8 | Speakers: Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Miguel de la Torre
Topic: Having the Conversation: From Black and White to Shades of Grey10:35am-11:30am - Lunch
11:45am-1:00pm - Worship Celebration | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
Topic: Fixing this Hot-Mess with Fierce Love1:00pm-1:10pm - Movement & settle
1:10pm-1:50pm - Plenary 9 | Speaker: Hadrien Coumans
Topic: A Call to Reparations (Lenape Response)2:00pm-3:00pm - Post-Worship Education
Topic: Storying the Beloved Community in Worship and Programming3:15pm-3:45pm - Closing Keynote | Speaker: Latosha Brown
Topic: We Are Not Going Back, No Matter What3:45pm-4:00pm - Final Closing Remarks | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
DAY TWO: SATURDAY, APRIL 5th | 10:00am-6:00pm
Theme: Building Beloved Community with a Revolution of Values
9:30am - Registration
10:00am-10:15am - Welcoming & Framing
10:15am-10:30am - Art/Music: VCCY
10:30am-10:45am - Movement & settle
10:45am-11:45am - Plenary 4 (Keynote) | Speaker: Wil Gafney
Topic: Beloved Community: Radically Rooted in Texts and Truth11:45am-12:00pm - Movement & settle
12:00pm-12:45pm - Plenary 5 | Speaker: Otis Moss III
Topic: The Poetry of Preaching Revolution: From Blues to BeatBox and Back12:45pm-1:00pm - Movement & settle
1:00pm-2:00pm - Lunch & Community Fair
2:00pm-2:15pm - Movement & settle
2:15pm-3:15pm - Plenary 6 (Split Panel) | Speakers: Mark Thompson & David Gushee
Topic: A Revolution of Values in the Classroom and in the Streets3:15pm-3:25pm - Movement & settle
3:25pm-3:55pm - Youth Panel (Plenary 7)
4:05pm-5:45pm - Cohort Small Group Meetings
Breakouts include Youth Panel Discussion, Sound Bath with Gary Posner, or Free Time5:45pm-6:00pm - Closing Remarks
Optional Post-Event: Cocktail hour and Jacqui’s book signing